Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Basic Outline for my Final Paper: FERN GULLY & THE GODDESS

Fern Gully -- Traces of the goddess:
Fern Gully Trailer!!

Stages of the goddess:
·         Maiden – Waxing
·         Mother – Full
·         Crone – Waning
o  Queen Fairy: Magi “Lune”
Gaia Hypothesis: Earth is a whole system within itself attempting to return to a stasis/balance
Matrifocal & Matriarchal society
·         Magi passes on her place & powers to Krysta
·         Seek to protect Mother Earth – of which all things have been created into being
·         HUGE Matrifocal elements (less matriarchal)
Elements of femininity:
·         The Womb
o   Reside in trees
o   Krysta emerges from a womb like flower => new life
o   Fern Gully Tree twists together in a spiral motion, creating a safe haven within itself
§  Fairies initiate its formation by flying in spiral-like circles
·         Water
o   The lake = unconsciousness, falling away from reality
·         Intuition & emotion
o   Connection with nature; feel the pains of nature
Axis Mundi:
·         Trees
o   Enchanted tree Hexxus (Spirit of Destruction) escapes from
o   Center/Home of Fern Gully
o   Final tree which entraps Hexxus finally
·         Mountain
o   Mount Warning – where supernatural meets mortal realm: Krysta discovers Zak


  1. Looks like you're making some great connections. I'm looking forward to your presentation!

  2. It was really great - everything I expected it to be. And I particularly enjoyed the drawings on the board!
